Produplicator line of flash duplicators, which include USB, SD & Micro SD, as well as CF and HDD coming soon, offer not only the best and most reliable duplication, but also the most secure erase feature amongst competing products. Produplicator has developed a method whereby the content stored on a flash device can be wiped away completely.
This is a very critical feature, especially when dealing with organizations, like government agencies, that cannot allow content to be recovered after being erased. Within many government agencies, often times there are classified materials that need to be removed before the flash devices can be used again. Produplicator can ensure the complete deletion of any and all content.
Plus, it’s also important for non-classified material just to make sure there is no content mix-up when duplicating new data. Unlike a write-once optical disc, flash devices may have content previously written on them, so it’s important to erase the previous content before loading new content. Check it out for yourself and put our guarantee to the test.
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