Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Produplicator and Copy Protection Software

Produplicator and Copy Protection Software

Everyone is accustomed to products or software being obsolete 10 minutes after they purchase it.  Either there’s a better and newer offering that comes out or the feature needs an upgrade to stay relevant and meet its expectations.

That’s true with our Copy Protection Software (CPS) as well.  The CPS can become susceptible to new technologies working to break the protective barriers created through other software solutions.  At Produplicator, we know that it’s impossible to make a perfect product that can’t ever be cracked and will always work with the video players.  But we do know how to find solutions to keep our products ahead of those softwares that may work to crack it.  So we constantly have revised firmware to improve the protection against ripping and duplication software that keeps popping up.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am into copy protection software. I think it is not good for other people to crack your system or republish it. If I were to get a software licensing service, I would choose the one where I can still customize that will suit our system.

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